Inabel One of the more interesting characters that I met during those hard years at Roanoke college was a girl named Inabel. She had a glaring physical defect. Her nose had a prominent hook, and on that hook there was a wart. In other words she was the living embodiment of a fairy tale witch. But her bright happy character was just the opposite of that of a witch. And she had a natural sense of humor that clearly overrode any anxiety she may have had about her appearance. The students who lived in Roanoke and did nor participate in dorm life were assigned a study room for those who did not have 8 o'clock classes, and it even extended to the 9 o'clock hour for those returning from an 8 o'clock class. These were hours of heavy study. We asked each other questions, some of which were anticipated test questions, and some real need-to-know questions as we struggled to keep our heads above water in the oner...
Introduction to Psychology Label My formal education in basic psychology, consisted of undergraduate courses Psych.101,102, which focused largely on perception and study techniques and, at NASA, numerous noncredit courses in various aspects of human relations. They included Eric Bernes's “Games People Play”, Transactional Analysis, Stress Management, Oral Presentations (an excellent course that included salesmanship, debate, and speaking to a hostile audience), Problem Solving, etc. Most of these courses were more useful than one would suspect because they were not taught by local practitioners but by expensive professionals. All of these courses were helpful in some way in teaching me how to behave in certain situations, but they didn't do much in providing the information that I most needed. For that information I would have to delve deeper into all aspects of the mind, including the subconscious. This interest in depth psychology was driven by three motivation...
Why Doesn't God Prohibit War? For those who are interested in pursuing a life beyond the mortal, it will be necessary to come to terms with God. This means knowing Him with a conviction beyond a set of vague beliefs, which often contain a veiled suspicion of retribution for failure to meet His high standards. We would like to be free of this fear of God, which stands as a roadblock on our path to Him. An early step that we can take to eliminate this fear is to answer this question that is so often asked by those who tend to tend to react through emotion rather than through reason: “If God is both all-powerful and all-loving, why does He allow such atrocities as those committed during warfare?”. The short answer is, “You would not want God to be any other way”. Of course you would like for those acts not to be committed, but you would not want them prevented by God's intervention. Why? Simply because that would take away man...
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