Climate Change - Data Considerations


Climate Change - Data Considerations

It is sometimes reported that global temperatures have risen steadily for more than 100 years. We know that cannot be true, because in the 1950's and 60's temperatures were falling and we were threatened with an impending ice age. However, in the more recent decades, reported temperatures have risen. These temperature records are the daily high temperatures at the recording stations.

We now know that these data cannot be trusted – for several reasons. First, the older data has been altered so as to indicate a rise that did not exist in the unaltered data. This data tampering has been documented in several Real Climate Science articles:

If we seek to determine the global variation of surface temperatures over the past 10 – 15 decades, then we are faced with many difficulties. Ideally, the measuring stations should be uniformly distributed, should remain the same in number and location, and should not be influenced by temporary local conditions that could affect the temperatures. Furthermore all of the stations should be monitored with equal periodicity.

Of course those ideal conditions have not been met, and probably could not have been met. Many of the measuring stations were located at airports, which in 1950 were well outside the cities that they served; and some other stations were located in the far suburbs. With the rapid growth of air travel, commercial jets were being introduced, runways and buildings were enlarged, parking lots and access roads were augmented and paved. And by necessity trees and other vegetation were taken way to make room for this growth. Aside from airports suburban measuring station locales were gradually overrun by the expansion of metropolitan areas. The temperatures are higher in these urban areas because materials like cement, asphalt and brick, absorb energy from sunlight and release it more slowly as heat radiation at night when the sky is cool. It is consistently observed that on a sunny day the temperatures in cities and at airports are noticeably higher than those in rural areas outside the urban sites.

Therefore, if the temperatures at the same stations are recorded, over time the average temperatures will increase, even if there is no increase in the rural temperatures. If the temperatures at these surface stations are accepted as the measure of global warming, then it follows that within the past several decades global warming has taken place. Furthermore, the warming is man made, because man is responsible for the urbanization.

However, there are many issues attached to this conclusion. One is that it does not follow that the warming is caused by the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere, but by urbanization.

A second consideration is the trustworthiness of the data. The data (both surface and atmospheric temperatures) are largely provided by NOAA and NASA. Both of these sources have demonstrated their unreliability. The frightening cooling period of the 50's, 60's, and early 70's, which was widely publicized in newspapers and news magazines, was erased from the record books by NOAA, simply by altering the data:

NASA also has a record of data tampering, as exemplified by its handling of Mars photos:

The data analysis by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center apparently has not been properly corrected for the effect of urbanization. The initial correction was based on falsified data.

There are many questions concerning the interpretation of the data, but they are mostly in the category of logic, and so will be discussed in a separate post.

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