Trinity: The Son


Trinity: The Son

As the second in this series of posts on the Trinity, let's take a look at the Sonship from the spiritual viewpoint. In the previous post we learned that the Father created children in His own form and image for the purpose of love and companionship. First, “in His own form and image” doesn't mean “with eyes, ears, and nose” because spirits have no need of those organs in order to experience the various sensations. Jesus pointed out that “God is Spirit, and desires such to worship Him in spirit and truth”.

Jesus kept telling us that we (in our spiritual aspect) are also part of this divine spirit. When he said "I am the vine and ye are the branches", he implied that we are of the same fundamental nature as he. When he teaches us to pray, "Our father . . .", and says "You have one father, who is in heaven", he is telling us that God is our father as well as his. Many people accept this teaching, but only in a figurative sense. It takes a mind that is open and receptive to the truth to recognize its literal truth.

All of these individual children are united in brotherhood through our one Father. This union, of all in one, is Christ. It is the spirit of unity, and it is opposed by the spirit of separation, which is the Ego. If we can accept this concept, it will help us to understand more of Jesus's teachings, as we will see in subsequent posts.

There is one more point that might be mentioned before moving on to the Holy Spirit. Many of us think of God as continually judging us in terms of the number and severity of our sins. But Jesus said, “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son. (John 5:22)”. But he also instructs us: “Judge not. For with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you”. This tells us that, since God does not judge, we are actually doing it to ourselves, when we take it on ourselves to judge our brothers.

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