The Higher Self
The Higher Self
The Higher Self as the part of us that provides the wisdom and revelation that guides the mystic, as well as the inspiration that constitutes the insight of the innovative scientist, artist, poet, or composer. Jung attributes the imparting of revelation to the anime, or to an entity that he called Sophia. But the Higher Self actually appeared in dreams in many forms. Sometimes, It appears as a tall man dressed in white. Sometimes It appeared as one or two giants, sometimes as a “Prodigy Child” - an infant who could talk and advise; and there were several others. And often there would be a dream whose obvious interpretation led to a revelation.
However, the role of the Higher Self is not limited to guiding each of us to be a better person. It is the source of all inspiration and innovation. In the Science label post, “The Power of Positive and Negative Thinking”, we learned that a problem that we seemingly have no hope of solving, can often be resolved by a kind mechanism which Jung termed “synchronicity” or “the external activity of the archetypes”. This mechanism works through the Higher Self.
Since this revelatory function is a bit mysterious, and it plays a major role in uncovering knowledge of the fundamental life questions, we will reserve further discussion of it to the Philosophy and Mysticism labels.
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