Ways the Holy Spirit Teaches: Inspiration


Ways the Holy Spirit Teaches: Inspiration

In the previous post, I mentioned that Joel Goldsmith received guidance from an inner voice. He was also taught by a sudden insight or inspiration. One such insight was that all power derives from God.

This also is a way that the Holy Spirit teaches. When we read about the lives of saints and others who led spiritual lives, we find that they often received guidance in this way. We can learn much from their revelations. And from our own. In fact, I assume that each of us, on pondering a certain scripture, has suddenly had an insight into its meaning.

Of course, I would never argue that every concept that drops into one's mind is a teaching of the Holy Spirit. In the same way, we certainly cannot assume that everyone who hears inner voices is getting a message from God.

However, we have a way of checking on such things. We can ask for guidance through our dreams. If the insight is helpful, we should dream of finding some kind of treasure. If it is potentially harmful, our dreams should warn us.

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