Applied Science and Engineering


Applied Science and Engineering

Altogether, our little research team successfully completed four major projects. The first was described in the previous post. It solved the problem of driving a gas at a useful pressure by the Lorentz force alone. The second project solved the problem of driving a gas by electromagnetic induction; that is, without electrodes which become a problem for certain fluids, such as oxygen and seawater. The third project was a device that simulated a sonic boom signature (an N-wave) on a laboratory scale, by using a helium gun to fire a tiny projectile through a box containing a stratified atmosphere. Schlieren pictures clearly showed the curving of the trailing shock due to the atmosphere gradient. This device could show such effects without the enormous expense of full-scale tests that required a far-ranging distribution of microphones, as well as a supersonic fighter plane and pilot. The fourth project used a condenser generated spark to generate a tiny N-wave strategically located so that the outward propagating wave would reflect off of a combination of precisely machined metal mirrors that cause it to focus. As it passes through the focus it undergoes a change in shape and a temporary amplification. This amplification is called a “superboom”, and it is a real problem for full scale flight.

A different mirror was used to check out a theory on 3-dimensional focusing of sound waves. An imminent scientist had “proved” that sound waves could not experience a phase-shift focusing, as light does. However, our experiment yielded the surprising result that the sound wave experienced exactly the same kind of focusing that light does.

The reason that I wrote out brief descriptions of these inventions is to demonstrate that our work really did have potential applications in the real world. Now, I could go through similar descriptions of my theoretical work, but it would mean nothing to the average reader because of the highly specialized and technical terms involved. However, a brief perusal of this partial list of publication titles should convince the reader that the work dealt with a wide-ranging number of problems associated in some way with flight and aerodynamics.

  1. Boundary-Induced Downwash Due To Lift in a Two-Dimensional Slotted Wind Tunnel, NACA TN-4289, 1958; by S. Katzoff and Raymond L. Barger

  2. Reflection and Transmission of Sound by a Slotted Wall Separating Fluid Streams, NACA TN-4295, 1958; by Raymond L. Barger

  3. An Experimental Investigation of the Ionization of Low-Density Gas Flows by Induced Discharges, NASA TN D-431, 1960; by R.L. Barger, J.D. Brooks, and W. D. Beasley

  4. An Experimental Study of Continuous Plasma Flows Driven by a Confined Arc in a Transverse Magnetic Field, NASA TN D-716, 1961; by R.L. Barger, J.D. Brooks, and W. D. Beasley

  5. Ionization and Deionization Processes in Low-Density Plasma Flows, NASA TN D-740, 1961; by Raymond L. Barger

  6. The Design and Operation of a Continuous Flow Electrodeless Plasma Accelerator, NASA TN D-1004, 1962, by R.L. Barger, J.D. Brooks, and W. D. Beasley

  7. Direct Velocity Measurements in Low-Density Plasma Flows, NASA TN D-1783, 1963, by W. D. Beasley, J. D. Brooks, and R. L. Barger

  8. Some Effects of Flight Path and Atmospheric Variations on the Boom Propagated From a Supersonic Aircraft, NASA TR R-191, 1964, by Raymond L. Barger

  9. An Experimental Investigation of Peak and Average Heating in Cascade Arc Jets, NASA TN D-2653, 1965, by W. D. Beasley, J. D. Brooks, and R. L. Barger

  10. Characteristics of a Continuous Flow Electrodeless Plasma Accelerator, NASA TR R 219, 1965, by J.D. Brooks, W. D. Beasley, and R. L. Barger

  11. Continuously Operating Plasma Accelerator, U S Patent 3174278, 1965, R.L. Barger, J.D. Brooks, and W. D. Beasley

  12. Wind-Tunnel Lift Interference on Sweptback Wings in Rectangular Test Sections with Slotted Top and Bottom Walls, NASA TR R-241, 1966, by Ray H. Wright and Raymond L. Barger

  13. Design of Bodies to Produce Specified Sonic-Boom Signatures, NASA TN D-4704, 1968, by Raymond L. Barger

  14. Development of Sonic-Boom Signatures in A Stratified Atmosphere, NASA TN D-4890, 1968, by Raymond L. Barger

  15. A Laboratory Investigation of N-Wave Focusing, by W. D. Beasley, J. D. Brooks, and R. L. Barger, 1969.

  16. Investigation of a Class of Bodies that Generate Far-Field Sonic-Boom Shock Strength and Impulse Independent of Body Length and Volume, NASA TN D-5148, 1969, by Raymond L. Barger and Frank L. Jordan, Jr.

  17. A Generalized Theory for the Design of Contraction Cones and Other Low-Speed Ducts, NASA TN D-6962, 1972, by Raymond L. Barger and John T. Bowen.

  18. Application of Sonic-Boom Minimization Concepts in Supersonic Transport Design, NASA TN D-7218, 1973, by Harry W. Carlson, Raymond L. Barger, and Robert J. Mack.

  19. Streamline Curvature Design Procedure for Subsonic and Transonic Ducts, NASA TN D-7368, 1973, by Raymond L. Barger.

  20. On the Use of Thick Airfoil Theory to Design Airfoil Families In Which Thickness and Lift Are Varied Independently, NASA TN D-7579, 1974, by Raymond L. Barger.

  21. A Modified Theodorsen Epsilon-Function Airfoil Design Procedure, NASA TN D-7741, 1974, by Raymond L. Barger.

  22. A Streamline Curvature Method for Design of Supercritical and Subcritical Airfoils, NASA TN D-7770, 1974, by Raymond L. Barger and Cuyler W. Brooks.

  23. Procedures For the Design of Low Pitching-Moment Airfoils, NASA TN D-7982, 1975, by Raymond L. Barger.

  24. Adaptation of the Theodorsen Procedure to the Representation of an Airfoil as a Combination Of a Lifting Line and a Thickness Distribution, NASA TN D-8117, 1975, by Raymond L. Barger.

  25. A Nonlinear Theory for Airfoils with Trailing-Edge Jet Flap, NASA TN D-8368, 1968, by Raymond L. Barger.

  26. Slender Body Treatment of Some Specialized Problems Associated with Elliptic Cross-Section Missile Configurations, NASA TN D-8495, 1977, by Raymond L. Barger.

  27. A Distributed Vortex Method for Computing the Vortex Field of a Missile, NASA Technical Paper 1183, 1978, by Raymond L. Barger.

  28. A Theoretical Investigation of Forebody Shapes Designed for Natural Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow, NASA Technical Paper 1375, 1979, by Raymond L. Barger.

  29. Estimation of Attainable Leading-Edge Thrust for Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds, NASA Technical Paper 1500, 1979, by Harry W. Carlsen, Robert J. Mack, and Raymond L. Barger.

  30. Investigation of Flow Characteristics Over Missile Bodies at Supersonic Speeds, NASA Technical Paper 1579, 1979, by Raymond L. Barger and Wallace C. Sawyer.

  31. Theory for Computing the Size and Shape of a Region of Influence Associated with a Maneuvering Vehicle, NASA Technical Paper 1648, 1980, by Raymond L. Barger.

  32. Theoretical Prediction of Nonlinear Propagation Effects on Noise Signatures Generated by Subsonic or Supersonic Propeller- or Rotor-Blade Tips. NASA Technical Paper 1660, 1980, by Raymond L. Barger.

  33. A New Theory for Rapid Calculation of the Ground Pattern of the Incident Sound Intensity Produced by A Maneuvering Jet Airplane, NASA Technical Paper 1773, 1980, by Raymond L. Barger.

  34. Solution of Complex Nonlinear Problems by a Generalized Application of the Method of Base and Comparison Solutions, with Applications to Aerodynamics Problems. NASA Technical Paper 1857, 1981, by Raymond L. Barger.

  35. A Theory for Predicting Boundary Impedance and Resonance Frequencies of Slotted-Wall Wind Tunnels, Including Plenum Effects. NASA Technical Paper 1880, 1981, by Raymond L. Barger.

  36. A Procedure for Designing Forebodies with Constraints on Cross-Section Shape and Axial Area Distribution. NASA Technical Paper 1881, 1981, by Raymond L. Barger.

  37. Blended surface concept for a compact range reflector, WD Burnside, AK Dominek, R Barger, Proc.1985 AMTA Symposium, Melbourne, Fla.

  38. Theory for Computing the Field Scattered from a Smooth Inflected Surface. NASA Technical Paper 2632, 1986, by Raymond L. Barger and Allen K. Dominek

  39. Some Path Following Techniques for Solution of Nonlinear Equations and Comparison with Parametric Differentiation. NASA Technical Paper 2654, 1986, by Raymond L. Barger And Robert W. Walters

  40. On Minimizing the Number of Calculations in Design-by-Analysis Codes. 1987, by RL Barger, A Moitra

  41. A Simplified Approach to Axisymmetric Dual-Reflector Antenna Design. NASA Technical Paper 2797, 1988, by Raymond L. Barger.

  42. Fuselage Design for A Specified Mach Sliced Area Distribution. NASA Technical Paper 2975, 1990, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  43. Diffracted and Head Waves Associated With Waves on Nonseparable Surfaces. NASA Technical Paper 3169, 1992, by Raymond L. Barger.

  44. Comparison of Jet Plume Shape Predictions and Plume Influence on Sonic Boom Signature. NASA Technical Paper 3172, 1992, by Raymond L. Barger and N. Duane Melson.

  45. Trajectory Fitting in Function Space With Application to Analytic Modeling of Surfaces. NASA Technical Paper 3232, 1992, by Raymond L. Barger.

  46. Theory for Calculating Geometric Surface Parameters for Radar Analysis of A Class of Semianalytic Aerodynamic Surfaces. NASA Technical Memorandum 4614, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  47. Distribution of Radar Reflection Points on Analytic Surfaces in Flight and in Radar Range Studies. NASA Technical Memorandum 4615, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  48. Procedure for Calculating the Shadow Boundary and Creeping-Ray Paths on a Convex Surface. NASA Technical Memorandum 4616, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  49. Procedures for Calculating Surface Ray Paths Satisfying Specified End Conditions. NASA Technical Memorandum 4617, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  50. A Procedure For Determining Ray Paths For Wave Reflection From a Hidden Edge. NASA Technical Memorandum 4618, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  51. Procedure For Computing Caustic Locations For Diffracted Rays Shed From a Smooth Convex Surface. NASA Technical Memorandum 4619, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  52. Geometric Parameters For Diffraction Analysis. NASA Technical Memorandum 4620, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

  53. Computer Codes For Estimating Edge-Diffraction Backscatter Effects From a Planar of Arbitrary Planform. NASA Technical Memorandum 4621, 1994, by Mary S. Adams, Raymond L. Barger, and Walter D. Burnside

  54. Theory For Computing Double-Bounce Radar Return From a Far-Field Target. NASA Technical Memorandum 4622, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

 (55) A GTD Approach To the Calculation of Radar Backscatter From a Nonplanar Edge.    NASA Technical Memorandum 4623, 1994, by Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams.

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