Applied Science and Engineering
Applied Science and Engineering Altogether, our little research team successfully completed four major projects. The first was described in the previous post. It solved the problem of driving a gas at a useful pressure by the Lorentz force alone. The second project solved the problem of driving a gas by electromagnetic induction; that is, without electrodes which become a problem for certain fluids, such as oxygen and seawater. The third project was a device that simulated a sonic boom signature (an N-wave) on a laboratory scale, by using a helium gun to fire a tiny projectile through a box containing a stratified atmosphere. Schlieren pictures clearly showed the curving of the trailing shock due to the atmosphere gradient. This device could show such effects without the enormous expense of full-scale tests that required a far-ranging distribution of microphones, as well as a supersonic fighter plane and pilot. The fourth project used a condenser generated spark to gene...